
Investors | Private Institutions

Access the Best Portfolios of Non-Performing Notes

As an investor or private institution seeking to capitalize on the potential of non-performing notes, Off Market Assets Group offers an exclusive gateway to a curated selection of portfolios. Our commitment is to simplify your investment process and provide you with access to the most promising investment opportunities.

Why Partner with Us?

Curated Portfolios: We offer a diverse range of non-performing note portfolios sourced from small to medium financial institutions. Our meticulous screening process ensures that you access only the most promising assets.

Effortless Due Diligence: Investing in non-performing notes can be complex, but our team handles all due diligence, saving you time and effort.

Deal Expertise: Our experienced professionals excel at getting creative when closing deals, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your investments.

Exclusive Portal Access: Approved acquisition clients enjoy convenient access to our user-friendly software portal, where they can explore available portfolios and make informed decisions.

Security and Confidentiality: Your financial data is treated with the utmost care. We employ secure data handling practices and are willing to formalize our commitment with non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect your interests.

Partner with Off Market Assets Group, and let us be your trusted ally in navigating the world of non-performing notes. Discover the potential of these unique investment opportunities.